
Monday, July 16, 2012

The wheels on the bus.

Xander got to ride his first school bus all by himself today! He has been in EI getting speech therapy since he was about 20 months old. He has come so far, it was time to take the next step up. Until now we have had the EI ladies come to our house once a week for an hour. It has been nice, the girls have enjoyed it and Xander has made some great progress, but it was time to switch it up. So now he takes a very short 3 min bus ride up the street to their new school, his EI lady is there to get him off the bus, there is a small group of boys in his session and they "work" for 45 min. After the class he gets put back on the bus and brought home.
We have been telling him about this new fun bus ride for a few weeks now, we were not quite sure how he would take it come game time. I am happy to report that he did great! Such a brave boy :)

He was excited this morning watching for his bus.

I helped get him buckled, he looked a little scared here but he didn't cry or get upset at all. Thank goodness, I am not sure how I would have been able to send him off if he was upset.

There he goes...such a big boy, so bittersweet :(

When he got home he was so happy and excited. I am so proud of him!

We all headed out back to play. Our neighbor was kind enough to give us some yummy veggies from his garden. We have got to get serious about one of those LOL.

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