
Friday, September 14, 2012

Last time hitting the pool this year.

How is the world we got lucky with an 82 degree day in Oregon, in September, I don't know, but our little BBQ pool party to celebrate Auntie Amber and Uncle Rick's birthdays went off beautifully today.

Grandma was nice enough to host, the kiddos had fun hanging out with her again.
They were so excited to get to spend time with their cousin Hailee.
Since we will be cutting Haddie's hair off next week we let her have a braid free hair down day. I love her hair, I wish she wouldn't get tangles so much...I am going to be sad to cut it, at least it will grow back.
Beep beep lil Buddy.

The boys had a lot of fun playing with the sprinkler.

Ahhh come on Jericho run.

His usual post...maybe next summer Xander and Hayden will actually get in the pool.
A quick lunch break. Dinner was starting to smell too good and kids were getting cranky LOL.
Such cuties!

The day may have been hot but the water was not to everyone's liking. I didn't get in at all, and poor Lily...she wanted to swim so bad but just couldn't take the cold.

More snacks.

Lily decided she didn't want to keep taking her suit off and on for potty breaks. My little nature child LOL. Next year are are for sure doing 2 piece suits!
Birthday boy Rick and cousin Brandon joined the party.

Crazy fools...I wish the water was as warm and inviting as it looks.

Rick and B brought their dog Marley. Brandon was trying so hard to get him to go in the pool, but the dog was not having it LOL.
The big kids...AKA Uncle Scott, Uncle Rick, Dad and Brandon had the most pool fun. They were throwing footballs and jumping into the pool to make the catch. They even had the kids tossing things in that would sink so they could dive down and retrieve them. I love how a pool brings us back to the fun we used to have when we were kids.
What a handsome boy awww. Finally starting to get some hair, it is really blonde so pretty hard to see.
Marley is still not going anywhere near the water.

Time for a couple birthday shots!
Happy Birthday big brother and Amber :)
After a yummy dinner of BBQ pulled pork and homemade mac&cheese...both crock pot winners from Pinterest, Xander passed out for a little nap.
He didn't look very comfortable, so we moved him to a better spot LOL.

Recharged and back to playing.

Bug and Hailee having a ride.

We just told Hayden it is time for cake...she is excited and sharing the news.

They are not moving fast enough for her so she starts jumping and dancing and yelling at them to hurry.

The cake...oh my goodness the cake. It turned out so tasty. It was declared better than store bought! Make your own Death By Chocolate brownie
The party ran until almost 8pm...the kids were still playing when it started getting dark. Such a fun day!

Grandma's garden stuff started lighting up.

When we got home our giant pet spider was out. I think he has gotten even bigger...eww LOL.

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