
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Suncatchers, Elvis and dedication.

About a year and a half ago we bought the triplets a set of beads and some string, they used it one time to make name necklaces, and haven't touched it since. Duh like 2 1/2 year olds are big on making their own jewlery LOL. The beads have been collecting dust ever since, so when I saw an idea on Pinterest involving beads I jumped on it.

Melted bead suncatcher. Preheat your oven to 400, get a cake pan or muffin lining needed. Arrange the beads of your choice in a single thin layer on the bottom of the pan. Cook for 20-30 mins, open your windows and keep fresh air flowing...gets a little stinky. Let them cool and they will fall right out of the pan. Drill a hold and hang them up.
The kids each picked the colors they wanted to use and placed the beads in the muffin tin.
Lily picked purple and yellow.
Xander went with blue and green.

Haddie of course picked pink and purple. When did my little tomboy fall in love with girly colors?! LOL

Jericho did one too, I put the beads in front of him and let him pick two colors too. Then he, with a little help from Hayden, put his beads in the tin.

Ready for the oven!

We did a little coloring to pass the time.

Lunch today was so yummy! A friend told me about something he ordered from a restaurant, that he loved. It was called the 'Elvis' and was a peanut butter, banana and honey grilled sandwich. I have always loved peanut butter and banana sandwiches, but had never thought to grill them before. Oh dang was it good! I put peanut butter on both pieces of bread, sliced up a banana and added the honey then grill just like you would a grilled cheese. Mmm Mmm!
The kids demolished it :)
The suncatchers were cool when lunch was over. They turned out so cool...the kids loved them.

Today is potty training day 3. We had zero accidents today...that is easy to do when you are as dedicated as Lily. LMAO!
Hayden being silly.
On the silly kid boobie bandit was after me to give him boobie this evening. I told him no, wait for bedtime. The little stinker looked me straight in the eyes and said "share." Hahaha That is me, stingy boobie Momma. I hope he can get over this in the next 4 months...2 is so my cut off!

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