
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Date night with the hubby!

Woohoo my very first canvas picture has arrived, I'm so behind the times LOL! I sure hope our next house has room for a big photo wall. Pinterest is making me want to go all decorator mode...guess I better learn how to do that first LOL.
Daddy bought the kids a few new outfits...all by himself. Funny I saw all the stuff in the dryer, it was right after we got back from Florida so I called up Grandma to thank her for buying the kids some new clothes. She said she didn't do it, I told her that I wish the clothes fairy would drop off in my size next time!
He did a great job...the girls LOVED their new sparkly Hello Kitty stuff :)

The kiddos got Halloween cards from their Great Grandpa...which included money. They were quick to put it into their piggy banks :) Thanks Frank and Betty...they loved getting mail, and the cute cards!

Grandma came over tonight to watch the munchkins so Jason and I could get out for dinner and a movie. It was a fun needed. It feels like ever since our Bend trip the hits just keep on coming, I feel super close to a meltdown of 3 year old proportion myself LOL. Tonight helped...Taken 2 was a good movie and watching Liam kick major ass was almost as good as hitting something myself to get a little frustration out.


  1. The photo of Jason holding the photo underneath the same photo on the blog is really amusing. At least to me anyway.

    And no, you're not behind the times. I have no canvas prints either. I don't have space or money for them.

  2. Hahaha yeah, that is kind of funny :)

    I got that one for a super deal though Plum District...$38 inc S/H! Can't beat that!
