
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Home is where the heart is.

We got home at about 2 am this morning. We were so tired, but all we could think about was waking up the triplets. We forced ourselves to let them sleep, and tried to get a few hours of shut eye.

Three little kids came into our room this morning expecting to see their Grandma. They were so happy to see us! Lots of hugs and kisses were exchanged...and our bed, that is more than big enough for two was jammed full with 6 LOL. How we have missed them...talking to them on the phone every day is just not enough.

We just tried to settle in and get back to normal. I think the trio saw their opening for some extra special attention. Below you will see Xander offering to trade his puny sorry excuse for a sandwich for Jason's amazing with all the fixings, on a hoagie no less, sammy. I heard Xander asking and had to grab my camera because I could tell his Daddy was not going to be able to say no LOL. This was too funny to miss!
Enjoy it Buddy :)
So glad to be home!

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