
Monday, October 15, 2012

Well crap.

Our last day in Florida ended up being a crazy one. We went by the trailer one last time, finished up what we could in our last 4 hours there. We didn't get it 100% spotless...but it is decent for someone moving in if they give it a little TLC. Now we just hope to get it sold!

Some pics from the outside.

Jericho got to help a little more today.
Some "after" pics of the inside. A big change from how we found it.

Looks so much bigger, now that it is not crammed full of crap.

It is not a bad little trailer...hopefully someone wants it LOL.

I just can not believe this is the same place.

Jericho was very excited that he finally was allowed inside and got to help do a little mopping :)
We got to the airport at 5:30, our flight left at 7:30. This security check went well...but Jericho didn't want to stay put so we could get our shoes and stuff put back together.

Jericho loved the little tram ride, he actually was yelling "Weeee."

We ate at the Ruby Tuesday in the airprot. After eating days of burgers and crap it was so yummy. 

This is where the day took a bad turn. When we got to our gate, about 5 min before take off time, they had already closed the flight. We don't fly much, so we had no idea they stop boarding 15 min before take off time. I don't know anyone who gets to the airport 2 hours early and misses their flight. UGH. They were nice enough to put us on the exact same flight tomorrow night. So looks like we get to stay an extra day in Florida.

Since we didn't take a pic with Mickey when we first arrived we took one on our way out. 
We had to get another rental car...and of course most of the agencies were all out. We ended up with a different company than we had our first few days there...but funny enough the same car, only in black.
Since our suitcase and Jericho's carseat had not missed the flight we had nothing, no clothes, no makeup, no carseat. So we also had to rent a carseat from the rental company. Jericho tried to tell us he didn't need a seat, he would buckle up...sorry son.
They only had forward facing seats, of course Jericho didn't seem to mind. As we were about to drive off I looked back at him and asked him if he was ready to go. He got a huge smile on his face, pointed forward and yelled "GO!"

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