
Sunday, November 4, 2012

A little energy burn off.

We HAD to get the kiddos out for some much needed physical exertion today. Fall is here and Winter is trying, it is too cold and crappy to be outside so the poor dears are cooped up a lot.

Off to Playdate PDX we went. We had hoped to spend half the day there, but the place was packed the other kids were being obnoxious shits...while their uninvolved parents sat out on their laptops and phones, and the trio started getting hungry early. Thankfully 2 1/2 hours was enough to get the sillies out, so I won't complain too much.

Jericho was a mad man...I think he is yelling "take no prisoners!" LOL.

Xander and Jericho sure kept Jason busy!
My sweet Lily Bug.

Get out on the dance floor! Xander almost got into a couple brawls with pushy bossy kids. It is so hard when other kids try to treat my 4 year olds like they are 6 just because they are as big...or they are.

Haddie being silly.

Jericho "dancing"...I have to get some video of this, it is bust a gut funny!

Dad taking a breather...I think the 3 guys broke sweats there today.
Xan, he was grabbing as much ammo as he could carry.
Eyes and kids were born with the goods for sure :)

Aww lil are so adorable! He is also quite the stud muffin...he walked across these things, with a little help, but he did it!

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