
Monday, November 19, 2012

Almost had our first broken bone.

Poor Jericho almost lost a digit today. Jason accidently closed Lil Man's pinkie in a door. He didn't hear Jericho or me screaming, I don't know how, so I ran over as fast as I could and opened the door. I thought for sure it was broken, it was mangled and bent and squished. He didn't calm down for like 10 min, poor baby. He moved it a little, even though he held his hand as still as possible, fingers splayed out, most of the time. Jason doesn't think it is broken, I hope not...we have managed to make it this far without anyone breaking a bone *knock on wood*. It swelled up pretty quickly but he seems to be OK.
The trio were quite concerned for "our baby" LOL.
Poor baby :(

Grandma stopped by to hang out with the kids for a few hours. Jason and I braved the stores today to gather almost everything we need for our Thanksgiving feast. I can't is going to be so yummy!
After dinner the kids and I worked on our guests Thanksgiving placemats. Everyone loved the ones we did last year, so we did them again with a new design.
Thumb print fun!
They did a great job...with just a little help.
Jericho even made a few! We were very careful with his injured digit. 
Drying, almost turkey's.
Finishing touches.
So cute! 
"I'm Thankful For..."
Can't wait to spend the day with family on Thursday...such a happy time!

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