
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

We don't kiss everyone goodbye.

Jericho was in fine form today, stinker form that is.
He tried to make off with Xander's back pack first. He thought he could escape by climbing on top of the kitchen LOL.
Then he put these chairs up here and got himself up there and seated.
Surely he will share with his BBBFF (big brother best friend forever...thanks My Little Pony) especially since he wants his siblings to share EVERYTHING with him...right?

Yup, but only for a second...then he will push him off LOL.
Take your crap too.
And STAY OUT! Hahaha.

The trio had school today. Even though it is getting too cold to stay and play, I can't tell them no every day.

The trio met a new friend. 10 year old Damien. That name will never fail to make me think of the Omen movies is a cool name.
He was nice enough to push them on the swing. He was push them pretty fast and high. They did well for a long time.

Lily was the first one to want off, then Haddie. Xander stayed on until Damien was tired LOL. The 10 year old actually said to me "your son is tough." LOL! The kids totally adore this boy, and he was super awesome to the trio...even seemed to actually enjoy playing with three 4 year olds LOL. They were trying to do everything he did, and when we left Hayden went running to him yelling I have to give him a kiss goodbye. I called for her to stop just in time, then had to explain to her that we don't kiss everyone goodbye LOL.

Even though she wanted off first Bug felt very proud of herself LOL!

Silly girl :)

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