
Thursday, December 27, 2012

A beautiful send off.

OK this is a long one, FULL of photos...brace yourself :)

Jason and Stacie wanted to take a hike to a place they used to go all the time with their Dad when they were kids to release some of his ashes. We decided to take the kids, and Grandma came along too. It was raining a bit when we got there, but about half way the rain stopped and it ended up being a really beautiful hike. The trio did such an awesome job, they held someone's hand the whole way and listened perfectly. Jericho was carried the whole his little 27 lb self got heavy, and actually didn't protest at all...which is really strange for him, I think he may have been a tad scared LOL.

Here we go!
It is really beautiful here.

It is no wonder that the show Grimm shoots in Oregon...all the wooded areas covered in moss and leaves...makes a great set.

Haddie and I were going take pictures and picks leaves and plants LOL.
It was a pretty rough hike for the kids this out of shape Momma LOL. I think it was about a mile each one told me that until I was almost half way there or I might have changed my mind Hehehe.

Jericho had the best seat in the house :)

The falls are just gorgeous!

So neat to be able to walk behind it, and pretty darn loud.

It was such a beautiful camera was just snapping away. It is so nice when your subjects stand perfectly still LOL.

A few sprinkles were coming down...kinda neat.

Hanging out behind the falls.

So many cool shots...not that I am pro or anything, but I thought many of them came out well enough.

This one is so neat...I see a heart shape that kinda frames the scene...pretty cool!

A pic with Daddy!
And Grandma.

Jason and Stacie giving their Dad a send off.

Jericho was still not comfortable...he hardley moved at all, so strange, and relaxing Hahaha.
The trio loved the "cave" they had a great time running around and playing back there.

Auntie Stacie and Jericho were holding hands Awww :)

Jason and the girls walked a little closer to the falls. Hayden had a "great idea" to come back in summer and swim in the water. Then she had another great go home and have some hot chocolate, now that is an idea I can get behind :)

Time to head back.

I love all these path photos.
Haddie and I brought up the rear again...lots of stopping to snap pics.

I really like this one too.

We DID IT!!! Woohoo.

It was a beautiful send off, in a beautiful spot. I am so glad we all decided to go...such a special day.

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