
Friday, December 7, 2012

Fun with Great Aunt Julie.

A little fooling around this morning. Jericho thought Hayden's lap looked comfortable...Hayden didn't agree. Little did she know, later at bath time it was going to get a whole lot worse...I won't come right out and say it, but it has a 'T' and a 'bag' in it LOL. Jason saw the whole thing go down, and even though it was totally accidental he said it was the funniest thing he ever saw and wished he had a video camera.
The kiddos tried their first egg nog today...just a little bit. Xander was a huge fan, Hayden was too. Lily and Jericho were so so about it.

Jason and I got some time to finish up Christmas shopping today. Great Aunt Julie came over and hung out with the munchkins for a few hours. They had a lot of fun making some festive crafts. We got home to 4 very happy kids and, funny enough, a not frazzled in the least Julie :)
She brought some cute hats, water color coloring books and lots of fun crafty stuff.
Aww cute lil buddy.
They were so excited to show us all their cool new stuff when we got home.

They had so much fun...thanks Julie, hopefully we can do it again soon.

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