
Sunday, January 13, 2013

A snow day!

Brace yourselves...a whole lot of pictures are below LOL.
First time the kids got to play in some real snow this year...and the first time I got to try and take some wintery pics with my new camera. I kept most of the scenery pics out...but there were still a ton of pictures. Enjoy :)

It was a beautiful day up on the mountain.
The girls were wearing last years coats and bibs...this was for sure the last time LOL.

Miss Bug...she forgot she didn't want to go as soon as we got there.

Xander went to work throwing snowballs as soon as he got out of the car.

Getting used to their snow legs. Jericho had a hard time...we heard "Baby down" a few times from the trio LOL.

Haddie was not appreciating the snowballs Hehehe.

Jericho wasn't too sure at first.

Lily was so excited to make Snow Angels.

Xander took a turn too...only he made "Snow Xander's" LOL.

A couple scenery pics.

More "Snow Xander's."

Daddy just rescued a "Baby Down" when poor Jericho fell and couldn't get himself back up, he just started calling "Daddy help."

All better now.

More snowballs...and Haddie over there doing some fresh dance moves LOL.

Look at that arm!

Xander was having too much fun.

Xander and Dad having a snow kicking fight.

Haddie kept hitting this branch...I was waiting for all that snow to fall on her, but it never did.

My cutie Lily.

Hayden Cheyenne=adorable.

Trying to build a snowman without gloves...I swore after coming here last year that I wouldn't forget gloves the next time...but I did.

I tried but it just was too year I WILL have gloves.

My baby.
Smooch me :)

Awww me and my little loves!

Trying to get all 4 to look at once...just doesn't happen anymore.

What was that Mom?
Sweet boy.

Mr. Jericho...he is getting so big.

Yet another Baby Down moment....such a cutie pie.

After a little over an hour it was about to start getting dark on us, so home to some hot cocoa we went.

This is where Jason told me to hurry up or he was leaving me here...nice.

So pretty...hopefully we can make it back up here soon.

1 comment:

  1. We love snow days here too but usually stick to the back yard! Though if we had beautiful snowy mountains around here you can bet your booty we would be there also!
