
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Such smart kids!

Our day started off with some yummy crock pot over night oatmeal, the munchkins demolished it! It is so easy...Just throw 2 sliced apples, 1/3 cup brown sugar, 1 tsp cinnamon in the bottom of the crock pot. Pour 2 cups of oatmeal and 4 cups of water on top. Do NOT stir. Cook overnight for about 8 hours on low.
Now after such a delicious, and good for you, breakfast it is no wonder the kiddos brains were in full gear today! One of their fave Christmas gifts were these doodlers. They have had a great time drawing all kinds of pictures and faces...even adding things like eyebrows, eye lashes, ears, really detailed stuff!
Haddie told me this one is me and her...awwww!

A caterpillar, I love how she does a border around her pictures.

The girls are also writing most of their letters, and can write their first names! Xander is not quite there yet, but he can write some letters.

Way to go Bug! She loves writing her name, does it over and over and over...and over again LOL. 

Hayden's name is a little longer, and doesn't consist of just 3 letters, but she is doing a great job too!
Lily came home from school with a card she made for me...she is very proud to be writing her name :)

It is so true what is said about kids being little sponges. They are asking us things all day and night long. A couple of today's questions...

While holding up a cheetoh "What do these do for your body?" We have talked to them a lot about good food choices and how many foods are good for our bodies. So they have started asking about certain foods and what they do for us. This time I had to say it does nothing but make your taste buds happy...and then I added that is why we don't eat these very often LOL.

For some reason they were all being termites today, and lucky me I was the Queen. Lily gave me reports on my various eggs hatching about every 10 min LOL. They have started asking what animals/bugs eat, where they live and other things about their existence. I was asked "What are termites afraid of?" So I said, Um Anteaters, foxes, birds, lizards the Orkin man LOL.

I never knew I knew so much until I started answering three 4 1/2 years olds questions a billion times a day...I am like a genius Hahaha.

We also had some fun just playing with blocks today too. The bigs love making giant towers, the little guy loves knocking them over...the trio do not appreciate it all that much :)
They are getting good at stacking the blocks high!

My crock pot dinner tonight. Ranch Pork Chops!
Dude how easy is crock pot cooking...loving it!
You need:
6 pork chops, 1/2 inch thick
1 packet dry Ranch Dressing Seasoning
10 oz can Cream of Chicken Soup

Place pork chops, Ranch seasoning and soup into a medium sized crock pot over high heat for 4 hours or low heat for 5-6 hours.
The "gavy" from cooking the chops in the crock pot is yummy on potatoes.
A scrumptious dessert was called for.
Buckeye brownies. 1 box (18-19 oz) Brownie Mix, 2 eggs, 1/3 cup vegetable oil, 3/4 cup coarsely chopped peanuts, 1 (14 oz) can sweetened condensed milk), 1/2 cup peanut butter.
Oh My GOODNESS!! Enjoy :)