
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What's cookin', Good lookin'?

It took forever, but I back tracked through my blog and picked out most of my posts with recipes. Of course most were from just the last year and a half or so since I became a Pinterest addict LOL. You can find links to lots and lots of yummy meal ideas at the very top of the blog, where it says What's cookin', Good lookin'? I will keep adding as we go!

Tonights crock pot deliciousness did not go over well with the girls. Everyone else loved it, but as you can see Lily was so unimpressed she pouted and stirred her milk with her finger all through dinner. Even a warning about no dessert didn't prompt her to eat her dinner...and this is a girl who starts talking about dessert when she wakes up in the morning LOL.
She is lucky that dinner was super easy or I may have been put out by her tude.
I just had to take a couple pics...she looked like such an angry, yet adorable, little Bug Hehehe.

Hayden copied her and then asked me to take her picture...what am I creating?!

What was this awful gruel you may ask...Crock pot Chick and dumplings.
4 to 5 chicken breasts (boneless)
2 family size Campbell Cream of Chicken Soup
onion - diced fine

frozen bag of mixed veggies
2 tablespoons butter
2 10 oz tube biscuits
 Put everything but the biscuits in the crock pot on high for 4-5 hours. 30 minutes before eating, tear biscuits up into small pieces and place on top and cover for last 30 minutes of cooking.

So easy, and despite my picky girls feelings, yummy too!

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