
Monday, February 4, 2013

A nice day in February...what?! was a nice day today, crazy strange but we'll take it! The kids played for about an hour after school today, they needed it...cabin fever is upon us big time.
Haddie has pretty much figured out how to swing by herself...she was so happy, me too. 1 down, 3 to go LOL.

Xan needs a haircut...goodness.

My brave Lily Bug...she wanted to sit up top and have me take her picture.
I'm sure you can guess who declined the idea...chicken.
Xander came running to get up there as soon as he saw that Lily was up there. Jericho asked and asked...I told him no. So while I was taking a couple pictures he decided to lean out, grab a bar and swing. I swear I did not put him on the bar then walk away to take a picture. I actually snapped these super fast and then went to grab him so I could help him down, fearing he would fall. He wouldn't let go, I was about to just pick him up when he swung himself back to the landing spot, then once his toes were on it he let go. The kid is a beast!

My little monkeys!

Sweet boy :)

Big brother tried to climb a tree...little brother yelled encouragements LOL.

Then he had to try his hand, of course.

Next up...find a pile of leaves, check. Toss leaves in air...over and over and over, check.

Looks like fun to me :)

Now that is a happy boy...awww!

The kiddos were treated to a little Billy Joel tonight...I am happy to report they are fans!

A beautiful ending to a beautiful day....

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