
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter to all!

Warning, many more objects than necessary appear below LOL!
The kiddos were up bright and early, as we guessed...good thing we Jason got up real quick at 6:30am and hid all the eggs out back. 7:15am we hear the munchkins come out of their room and start screetching when they see their baskets. I am glad they are not too spoiled, they didn't even notice that we didn't go big this year. We managed to get a quick breakfast in them then we all headed out to hunt up some eggs.

We only dyed and hid 18, and everyone seemed to be pretty even on their counts :)

The kids have good eyes...all but the last 2 or 3 eggs were found pretty quick. A couple started cracking...when the trio saw them they would yell out that the eggs were hatching.

It was a beautiful morning...8am, sunny and warm...gonna be a nice day!

After the fun was over at our house we stopped by Grandma's. It seems the Easter Bunny dropped off some more baskets for the kids :) These baskets are too cute!

Next up we headed out to the Tulip festival. We went last year and had so much fun, we decided to go back this year.

So many pretty flowers. Jericho was too funny, he kept smelling them only he breathed in so hard and loud it sounded like he was trying to snort them up LOL.

The famous cow train ride...big hit once again!

The flowers along our ride were amazing!

The play area was fun...I am not sure we will get away with not letting the kids do any of the extra fun $ stuff next year...this year was hard enough LOL.
Brave kids...well all save for Hayden. It's OK baby girl, I don't like heights either.

These swings were awesome...wish they were in adult size :)

Couldn't keep Jericho off the giant slide...little beast :)
Look at him go!

The duck races, always fun.

Hehehe he didn't want to put his head in the cut out...but he did want to kiss his sisters :)

No flowers were harmed, or picked, during the taking of these photos!
What a view.

It ended up being a "hot" day, the kids played hard and were actually ready to leave after just 90 minutes or so. I need a nap, I got up way too early today :) Happy Easter everyone!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter tried to sneak up on us.

We have been so preoccupied with the remodel stuff, we kinda sucked it up this Easter. Oh well, next year we will make it up :)

We did manage to help the munchkins dye eggs today, we tried a couple different methods this year, some worked out better than others LOL.
First we did the shaving cream idea I saw on Pinterest. I lined 2 cookie sheets with foil, then filled them with cheap white shaving cream, then emptied 3 different food colors on each sheet.
Next the kids took tooth picks and swirled the colors and shaving cream all together.

Miss OCD Haddie had to swirl perfectly, she was still at it when Lily and Xander had moved on to actually dyeing the eggs.
Then you roll the eggs around and around get them good and covered by a bunch of colors. Set them aside for 5 minutes, then wipe off excess shaving cream. Yes, this was messy, yes, the kids got it everywhere and probably ruined a couple what. They had a blast and clean up was not that big of a deal...and it was fast, it is not like it takes hours to dye some eggs.

Jericho still doesn't love getting dirty LOL.

Then we moved on to liquid dye. The kool aid didn't work too well for us, maybe I didn't use enough water, not sure. The store bought kits mixed wuth vinegar did a good job.

The shaving cream ones looked so cool, not all the color remained after wiping the cream off...but over all they came out pretty. I think we will do this again next year...along with the tissue paper method we did last year.

Fun stuff!
It was almost hot today, we spent all day out back! I got to playing around with my camera. My handsome boys...were hard to get to stay still for long.

Doesn't get much cuter than this little man!

Silly boy :)

Goof ball.

He was about to get lippy about me telling him to stand still LOL.
Love this :)
My girls were a little more cooperative.
What is that saying 'A daughter steals her mother's beauty'...well no wonder I don't have much left these days.
Pretty Miss Lily Bug...or Breakfast Bear when we are in Carealot LOL.

We are in trouble :)
My girls were blessed with beauty and brains...look out world!

It is an Easter lite for us this year...but I'm sure the kids will love their new toys.