
Sunday, March 3, 2013

A walk in the woods.

We have been cooped up in the house a lot lately, I can not wait for spring and summer to arrive! The kiddos really needed to get out, I think Mom and Dad did too. We spent 2 hours walking almost 3 miles in the woods! It was a beautiful day, not warm exactly but comfortable. We had never been to this place before, it was a gorgeous spot...can't wait to go back when everything is out of winter hibernation LOL.

Jericho was ready to rock n roll. He was a trooper, walked all but maybe the last 10 min. then rode on Daddy's shoulders. 

Lily was a little bit of a pill. At first she didn't want to go on a walk, then she got tired and wanted to ride on Dad's shoulders....then when it came time to leave she didn't want to do that either Hahaha, it always has to be someone :)
They had a lot of energy at the start of our walk, lots of yelling after them to not get too far ahead.

We almost changed our minds and skipped the walk today, it was sprinkling this morning....thankfully that stopped until we were driving away, perfect timing!

They were a moving and grooving...everyone got a good work out in I think.

The boys had to splash in every single puddle, of course.

There were some small planes flying over head.

 it looks amazing when everything is in bloom!

The trails were cool. Lots of other people and dogs, may have to bring our mutts next time. Xander was cracking people up. When others were coming toward us...he would get over to one side so they could pass yelling "INCOMING" the whole time Hahaha!

Lots of exploring and collecting things.

Lil Man starting to lag behind a bit.

He wanted right down, then Lily wanted up.

My little loves!

Haddie made us bring this home.

So many pretty trees. So many pretty pictures.

A little rest, on a tree shaped like an 'L' :)

 his smiles so much!

Climbing fun with Dad.

Stepping out of the woods, making our way back toward the car. We ended up going about a mile farther than we planned to.

Last chance at puddle fun, Lily Bug joined her brothers.

We must do this again soon...I just hope getting all this energy out means a quick and painless bedtime tonight. And maybe, just maybe the kids will sleep in  a little, I am tired of seeing 7:30am...what ever happened to 9am wake ups?

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