
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Baby bunnies, granite and crock pot yums!

I got to sleep in this morning...thanks hubby!
Pretty chill day for the most part, another great weather the kids got to play outside a lot. The bed times on all these days we spend hours and hours outside burning off energry have been so so so nice! Summer feels so close, yet I know it is probably just a big tease LOL.
We have done homework every night since I started this trend. Tonight the kids played out back so long they didn't have time to do both homework and watch their usual before bed show. I gave them the choice...they picked homework, what?! Hahaha!
Made one of my fave crockpot dinners...rec here ---> Cheese Tortellini...dang it is so good!
Jason picked up half of the granite for the new house. It will be going in tomorrow, the other half on Monday. Long day of work planned for tomorrow...I am tired just thinking about it LOL.
Photos usually don't do granite justice, it is so much prettier in person.
Then we had fun over at our photog extraordinaires studio doing our annual bunny pics. I can't wait to get the pics back. The kids were so cute, the bunnies can you go wrong?!
Bug was so happy to finally wear her lady bug dress!

Jericho got reacquainted with an old friend. Their last meeting was a couple years ago at Jericho's newborn photo shoot. He has grown eh?!

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