
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Clean up crew.

Started getting the construction zone cleaned up a little today...the place is wrecked LOL. Not much point in keeping it clean as you go, since you are always doing stuff that makes a mess any way. We are close to being done so a little clean up was in order though.

Wow the bonus room...looking so empty now that it is not a stage room for other projects.
Remember when I said you get one thing done and 2 more pop up. Yup. It seems the texture we put on the new wall in the laundry area screws up the space we measured for the doors. So we had to sand the texture off. Haven't tried the doors yet, hopefully they will fit.

I can't just take pictures of the house. It was a beautiful day, full of beautiful flowers.

Meet Cocoa, AKA Lily, she has the best it.

OK back to work, Jason was making an anchor to hang a ceiling fan in the living room. It didn't have anything in there before...I'm so lucky to have such a handy hubby :)

He got pulled away before he was done to help my brother get some garbage out of the rafters in the garage.

Go Superman!
Too bad none of this stuff hidden up here was full of money LOL.

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