
Monday, May 13, 2013

Flamingos, flowers and high flyers!*

More fun on the Vegas strip for us today. We started off at the Flamingo's Wildlife Habitat. It was small, but a fun stop to spend an hour, the girls were very excited to see some flamingo's.
You would think Hayden's favorite critter is a turtle by how she hooted and hollered when she saw these guys.

We got to see some pelicans catch their food.

The flamingo's were a hit.

Haddie wore a special flamingo shirt today.
Then the girls tried their hand at the flamingo stance LOL.

I could not believe the size of the koi, some of them were bigger than Jericho.

They made those full size ducks look small.

5 people in a revolving door LOL.

Next we hit up the Bellagio's conservatory. It was awesome!

You should have heard my kids sniffing all the flowers, they sounded like they were trying to snort them right up their noses LOL.

The ladybugs were a favorite for my LilyBug of course.

The decorations were so fun...and the flowers so beautiful!

The swan and baby were another favorite for the kiddos...they are all about anything "baby" these days LOL.

Lets make some wishes :) Dad's going to go broke, they love throwing the coins in the most.

Then we headed outside to watch a water show.

The trio did not want to wait, they were bored and since someone's newly wed sister let the Disney cat out of the bag this morning that is all they could talk about most of the day. We didn't confirm or deny anything...just kept changing the subject LOL.

We managed to get one song/show out of them...and thankfully it was a great one.

Such a great song :)

Our next stop was the little circus at Circus Circus. On our way in the kids, with help from a pretty good salesman/magician, almost suckered Jason into buying them a $40 magic kit LOL.
We played some crooked carnival games.

The trio did pretty good, with a little help.

Oh the famous Hello Kitty claw game. This will go down in Johnson family histoy I think. I spent $2 trying to win Hayden a Hello Kitty doll out of this crummy machine. Then Jason spent $5 trying to win Hayden a stupid Hello Kitty doll. Sadly neither of us had any luck, Haddie pouted...a lot, for the next half hour. So sorry sweet pea. But the Hello Kitty story doesn't end here.

Some more games...they were nice enough to let the kiddos all cheat a little. We still didn't win much LOL.

Some of our winnings...and a very proud Xander :)
Then the circus bits got started.

Jericho wanted to see too.
Thanks Dad :)

The juggling guy was pretty good.

The flyers were fun to watch some gasps out of the crowd, and the triplets Hehehe.

More games...a little dart throwing. This one gave the kiddos a prize even if they missed, which they all did LOL.

Yay Jericho...good job little dude!

Lily was one ball away from winning this one all on her own. So close.

A little ice cream treat....Mmmm.

We had a great day...but had to get on the road headed for Cali., tomorrow is our big Disney day!

I thought I had given the kids the last dollars that were in my pocket to play the carni games. We were all headed out when I reached into my pocket and found one last dollar. Jason was walking on ahead when I saw that damn Hello Kitty claw machine. I figured it was worth one last shot, I didn't call out to Jason to have him wait, Hayden had kinda gotten over it and I figured I wouldn't win I ran over to the machine and fed it my dollar. I said under my breath "Please let me get a Hello Kitty and impress my kid" LOL. I looked at all the dolls in the game and wouldn't you know not a single one looked like it would be easy to pluck. I "oh-well'ed" it and sent the thing in motion. When the claw came down it actually grabbed onto a started bringing it up then, as usual, the claw slipped off and I watched in horror as the Kitty started to fall. Then at the last second...are you feeling the anticipation in my story, it truly was a nail biter :)...the claw shrunk down on the tiny little hat on the Hello Kitty dolls head. My nails went into my mouth as the claw started to come back to the drop off spot, when it was almost there I looked around like is anyone seeing one was there, no one saw my moment of triumph against the crooked claw machine. The Hello Kitty doll made it to the drop spot and was released, I still couldn't believe I had actually done it until I reached in and grabbed that silly $8 dollar doll. I ran to find Jason and the kids, with the doll hidden behind my back. Hayden's eyes went wide and she showered me with praise and adoration....for about 2 minutes LOL. I was the hero of the hour...go me :)
Haddie with her new best friend!
Now to start our 4 hour drive to Cali...big fun coming up tomorrow!

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