
Saturday, June 29, 2013

7 years, and counting!

 This day 7 years ago I was about to marry who I thought was my Mr. Right. I had no idea just how right he was. Love, you are the most amazing husband and father...I don't know what I did to deserve you but I am so very happy that we found each other. Thank God for leather pants, and smart friends I love you, Happy Anniversary!

We got to go out with friends tonight, woohoo 4 1/2 hours of freedom and adult interaction. We also got the chance to try out one of the girls that lives next door to us as a new babysitter. She had it easy...the kids slept the whole time she was here, but she did a great job. Can't wait for next time! Hopefully I will get some pics from tonight that friends took and add them...good times!

I have to share a funny conversation I had with Xander during lunch yesterday.
Xander: is mine bigger than Jericho's (talking about the bananas they were eating.)
Me: Does it really matter who has the bigger banana? (Had to roll my eyes at what I just said)
Xander: Yes, and it is mine.
Ugh boys, comparing their banana size at 2 1/2 and almost 5...and I bet it will never end LOL.

Before Jason and I left for our night out, Jason decided to let the kids have some hose time. Garden hose + trampoline = SUPER FUN!

Xander, Hayden and Lily LOVED LOVED LOVED it...Jericho, not so much.

We have had days in the mid 90's lately, so it was a perfect time to start a new way to have fun on the trampoline. The kids are hooked, bet they ask us every day.

Jericho was not so sure, he liked jumping, and he liked being cool...but he didn't like other people hosing him, he would rather do it himself. Showing his dismay that the other 3 enjoy this sort of treatment :)

It was not all fun and happy times today. Our dear friend Test passed away. He did not like the move or something. Bye Bye Test...for a feeder Goldfish you had a pretty good life I think...certainly out lived your factory expiration date :(

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