
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day to my hubby.

Happy Father's Day husband. Our children hit the Daddy jackpot, there is no one that could compare in their eyes...or mine.
Thanks Love for being the amazing man that you are, and for loving and providing for us in all the ways that you do. ♥ you!

So cute!
Pay no mind to the nekkid 2 1/2 year old hiding behind his shorts. He is doing this potty training thing...and doing it very well I might add. He has the bladder of a chihuahua, but he is making accidents so far!!

Jason's daughters and sons picked out and signed some great cards ;)
Awww wub!

Then we did a little yoga LOL.

So funny to watch! They did a pretty good job actually, got bored after about 20 minutes though.

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed with the yoga. My girls get bored after 5 minutes.

    Jericho is doing a great job with it.
