
Friday, June 7, 2013

My light.

What a day. Jason worked a double today, that means a long 16 hours alone with the munchkins. Thankfully it was a nice day so we got to spend some time outside. cute!
One cute little flower right smack in the middle of the yard.
Lily asked me to take a picture of her with her best friend Olive...Haddie and Jericho had to get in the photo too of course.

Another little find.
Today's photo of the day is "light" ....these guys are my light, every day :)

Lily wrote everyone's initials....then Jericho got the sudden urge to kiss them all...why I have no idea.

He came away with a little chalk stache LOL.


  1. If I catch you selectively coloring anything again, I'm taking back your camera :P

  2. LMAO! Aww come on, every once in a while it's fun :) I promise it won't get out of hand hehehe.

  3. No. Never. It's NOT OK. EVER. Selective coloring on skin makes it look gray and dead, woman. Just say no :P

  4. Hahaha alright, you're the pro :)

  5. (I am impressed you learned how to do it, so good on you!)
