
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Some outside work today.

Today the photo of the day is "environment" and it just so happens I was outside giving myself an allergy attack trying to mow the lawn. I only got about 1/3 of it done before I couldn't take it anymore and Jason had to finish the rest. My allergies have been worse since we moved, one downside to not being on a busy street anymore. Now we are surrounded by yards and greenspaces...which means more pollen and crap to make my life hell. It's worth it.

So here are some pictures of our new environment.
These are growing out front....though they don't seem to be doing much growing, probably should be watering them or something I'm sure LOL.

Pretty flowers.

These things are going nuts...there was just a small patch of them and now there are so many. I have no idea what to do with them. I need some green thumb people to help me out LOL.


  1. The odd little plants are Hens and Chicks or Sempervivum is the botanical name. They do not require a lot of attention and will just continue to spread. But they are good to share because each little rosette will root on its own to a new plant.
