
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Independence Day!

The trio have been super excited for today...they love parties, of any kind...and fireworks too of course LOL.

They all put on some festive attire and grabbed their little flags.

Rock on little man!
Lily's...and Momma's, favorite part, dessert! We have made this 3 or 4 other times and it is always a hit. You can find the rec up on my What's cookin', Good lookin' page or go here to make your own Banana split pie! You know it is SUPER easy if I can make it ;)
Auntie Tia helping the kids relocate a caterpillar they found. Lucky for the caterpillar, Auntie came along before Jericho the Destroyer got a hold of him. That boy brings us more squished bugs than I can count, poor things LOL.

We had a fun group, the munchkins loved getting to hang with their cousins Hailee, Tyler and Brandon.

Almost dinner time...the troops are ready!


A little after dinner football tossing.

We almost have a whole team out there LOL.
My nephew Tyler, just graduated this year, showing off his guns. Boys LOL.

My brother and his son, yikes they catch up to us so fast.

The kids couldn't wait any longer...neither could Jason. It has been in the 90's for a week, and today of all days it gets chilly early. I even had to get a coat when we grabbed the kids sweaters. 

Everyone did a great job, and there were zero injuries thankfully!
Great Ty, just what we should be showing a bunch of 4 year olds. Teenagers :)

Smoke bombs...
RUNNNN!!! Hahaha.

A stash of illegals, shhh.

Finally dark enough to get the show started! Uncle Rick and Jericho checking out some 'splosions :)
Gangster and Sakari did not take it well. They were trying to wreck the house on the inside so we thought maybe bringing them out might help. It didn't really, but at least they didn't destroy the house.
Loved these ones with the kids holding little flags and the fireworks.
The culdesac had a big turnout.
I tried to get some pics of the big uns...not pro quality but they turned out pretty cool!

They loved waving those flags around...Jason is loving imparting to them all things 'America' and respect for our freedom. 

Getting ready for S'mores, Mmm good call Auntie Tia!
So fun!

Such a great party...can't wait for next year!

Thanks to those that helped us attain our freedom, and to those that keep it that way.

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