
Monday, July 1, 2013

My canvas addiction...

I went from 0 to 14 canvas photos in no time, I have quite a few more I want to get but I have been put on a canvas freeze for a bit LOL. Now that we are getting settled into the new house I finally got to open up all the boxes and get a look at what I have.
I wanted to get a bunch put up, and Jason was nice enough to oblige. We set the photos all out and went to picking which ones we wanted where and what kind of layout.

That is a lot of empty boxes LOL.

OK wall number 1, here we go! *Wendy, just don't look at the pic on the lower right ;)

I can't wait to get some more photos and grow my gallery wall! I have some great pictures of Lily and Jericho to get on canvas and add...need to try and get Xander to slow down long enough to get a couple good ones.

Not too bad for our first time trying this. The space we left is for a board with writing. I have a lot of quotes and sayings I hope to add to the wall and break up the photos a bit.
Got our baby pics of the kiddos put back up these. That big space at top will be a quote.

The kids LOVED seeing all the pictures. They kept asking if we remember when this one and that one was taken...I was like yeah, I took them all except for the one that I am in LOL.
Working on my first little word board.
I didn't have any letter stencils so this was free hand, it looks OK...hopefully with a stencil the others I want to do will come out better.

I am so glad Jason takes hanging photos seriously, he measures them all out to get them centered and even, then pulls out his level to be sure. He did a great job! Now my canvas addiction has been triggered...hope I can get some more soon!

While we were hard at work in side, the kids were having fun playing in the hose out back...without their bloomers LOL. I love summer!


  1. HA!! Ok, that one isn't actually terrible because the b'fly IS the subject :P Great displays, I love canvases, too.

  2. LOL Good :) Thanks, I had no idea I would totally fall in love with these. I have like 15 more that I would love to print up...addictive little hobby eh?!
