
Thursday, July 25, 2013

When I'm 8.

"Maybe when I'm 8" this is Hayden's standard answer to us when we try to get her to go out of her comfort zone on things. Needless to say she has a very long list of things she will be doing when she is 8, that is going to be a very full year LOL.

The school the triplets will be attending next year is a 5 min walk from our house. I am so excited for them to start, almost enough to let them start this year...but I really think Xander needs the extra year. We headed to their future school to try out the playground today. It is a really nice school, when I was a kid we used to live right next door...and my little sister went here for a year. A lot has changed in the last 23 years or so LOL.

Haddie loved the playground....though she didn't do a lot of climbing on stuff, cuz you know when she is 8 she will be able to climb better. Just like she will be able to take swimming lessons when she is 8....and anything else that scares her or she thinks she won't be able to do perfectly. She is putting a lot of pressure on 8.
The biggest kid had a little fun too.

Jericho was a beast today. He was all over every dangerous inch of the big play structure. We have to remind ourselves that he is only 2 1/2...just look at him go.

Then he gave this climbing toy a try...he made it to the top from the outside then I grabbed him down.

Little Man kept us on our toes...but never needed rescuing.

The trio did a little climbing, but nothing like their little brother.

Miss Bug!

Jericho even managed to do one or two moves on the monkey bars...with Dad spotting him.
I see you Lily.

Then Jericho went back to try the inside climb on this toy. He has amazing balance and awareness of where his feet and hands need to be. After seeing him do this I told him rock climbing scares Momma and the answer is no LOL.

Just look at his feet...he would carefully make sure he had purchase wherever he put his feet or hands before moving on, he seriously looked like an old pro.

He is amazing.
Xander gave the rings a try. Check out my 2 1/2 year old in the back ground.

He has NO fear I tell you.
We headed inside to use the bathroom, Xander saw this art wall that a class did back in 2008 and loved it so much he wanted me to take a picture of it LOL.

Trying to get a couple group shots...some times you luck out and get a great one, and sometimes you don't Hahaha.

Whoa he is sitting still...must be getting close to lunch time.
It is a little funny that my 5 year olds are shown up by their little brother LOL. Here is Lily getting a little help from Dad, future sports star she is not, but I was glad she tried :)

Xan man.

Jericho was saying "Hello down there!"

My glow in the dark kids were about done being in the sun for the day.

Haddie's hair is finally starting to grow.

They met a couple of kids and gave hopscotch a try. The trio do not know the rules...and when Jason and I tried to explain it to them Lily hits us with a "This is not the adults rules, this is the triplets rules."
By the time we left Lily was actually doing it pretty close to the right way. Seems 5 year olds won't listen to their parents version of the rules of play....but will listen to some kids they just met. Yikes.

When we went inside to use the bathroom we saw that the school has been putting on free breakfast and lunch for kids under 18 all summer. We decided to stay today and let the kiddos have lunch there. They were very excited to learn they would be eating lunch in this cafeteria when they go to school here.
It got pretty packed in there, daycare providers were showing up with their whole classes of kids, it got crazy up in there.
While poking at her salad Lily says "Mom can I just eat my sandwich, because my salad is too salad-ey." Oh they crack me up!

On our walk home we stopped to pick some blackberries.

Brothers wub :)
The school is running a summer reading program. They gave out books and a form to keep track, every 100 minutes of reading earned a $1 to spend at the schools little prize station. This has renewed the kids love of me reading to them. They are also getting their first taste of the Ramona series, I loved these books when I was a kid.

After dinner we headed out back for a little trampoline time. Jericho must not have had enough...he did some baby planking and told me he was exercising. He is one strong little boy.
Oh they will be sleeping well tonight!

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