
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Bunk beds for the boys.

Flakes aside, I really love Craigslist! We got Xander and Jericho a set of bunk beds today for $75!
The girls got bunk beds a year ago, but the boys were still in toddler beds. We were just not too sure they were ready for bunk beds...they tend to be more wild and crazy than their sisters and we didn't want any injuries. Xan had seriously outgrew the toddler bed, quite a while ago honestly, we couldn't put off bigger beds any longer. The bedrooms in this house are pretty small, side by side twins would eat up pretty much all the space, so we really wanted bunks...but the set we got can be separated should we need to.
Xander was so excited

Everyone was ready to pitch in.

Jason didn't even get to change after getting home from work...the boys wanted their beds NOW.

Jericho, the monkey, was very helpful.

They thought it was a jungle gym. Don't mind the little ones nekkid butt...keeping this kid in clothes is an exercise in futility.
Crazy kids.

All they can have the train table in their room.

Their walls need some decoration...and we need to find some sort of blinds. We have put 3 sets of roller shades up, but they keep getting torn down Grrr. Of course you put up a tacky sheet and they leave it alone.

Everyone had to try out the new bed :)

5 year old boys sometimes get a little carried away. During some roughhousing tonight, Xander dropped his pants and said he was going to skunk me...then pointed his skunking end right at me LOL. BOYS!

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