
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Ain't that a beach.

Anyone who knows anything about Oregon knows beach weather is dicey...especially in September. 3 weeks ago we made plans with a Momma friend of mine, who is also a budding photo pro, to meet up at the beach to do some new photos of my crew. I spent days picking everyone's outfits and planning out all the cute poses we would try. I also watched like a hawk, and was super super happy that the day we picked was calling for 70's and sunny! Whew we dodged the rain. Yup dodged it right into a flipping wind storm. My friend drove 3 hours to Manzanita, we drove 2...and couldn't find a wind safe spot to get pictures. It was ridiculous, I never even thought to check on the possibility of wind issues...that'll teach me. She tried to snap a few photos but it just was not working so we decided to reschedule...I am so bummed.

We stayed on for about 3 hours after my friend headed home. It was such a pretty day, but the beach was miserable.

The triplets braved the winds for a half hour of running in the waves a little. They were freezing but had fun anyway.

I tried to get a few pics...nothing pro-yo but they came out kind of cool.

Jason and I have friends with a beach house connection on this beach. We have stayed here about a half dozen is such an awesome spot. We got to thinking as we watching the kiddos play, the last time we stayed at the beach house and were on this beach I was 18 weeks pregnant with Xander, Hayden and Lily. Crazy how time flies!

My big kids!

Jericho was having NONE of it. Jason had to hold him almost the whole time LOL.
I took a pic just like this only Jericho was giving me a serious stink eye look...I thought this one was much cuter Hehehe.

Kinda neat how the lighting made the kids look all silhouetted.

They started holding hands and jumping up and down in the water. Love it!

When we couldn't take the wind anymore we went to try and find a better spot.

Ahh much better!

We spent a couple hours building sandcastles and playing in the water.

Fun stuff!

Mom came out from behind the camera a little :)

Time to get my feet wet. I box dyed my hair a week ago...forgot that I should never pick a color that has 'warm' in the title, my hair pulls red like crazy.

Kissy kissy!


Not sure our outfits will make it to the reschedule date LOL.
Not quite the day I had planned, but it was fantastic none the less!

But then any day spent with my 5 favorite people is fantastic!

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