
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Slumber party recovery.

I got this picture this morning from Auntie Amber, and a report that the night went well...even though the girls pretty much slept all of about 5 hours, and were heard playing in Hailee's room at 5:30 this morning LOL.
After the yummy French toast bake breakfast the kids had fun making bead necklaces. They had such a great time, there is already talk of a next time :)

I wish I could say pick up went as well as drop off. Lily had a huge tantrum and didn't want to leave. Guess looking on the bright side, this means she had a lot of fun.

We had a quick lunch when we got home, that helped miss cranky pants a little. Then about an hour and a half after getting home I look over and see Bug passed out.

15 minutes later Haddie followed suit LOL. Maybe next sleep over they will actually sleep...silly girls.

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