
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Trying to enjoy the positive side.

Yesterday was really rough on me. I firmly believe pets are family...and they are forever. So letting Sakari go to a new home, even though it was the best decision for everyone involved...including Sakari, was brutal. I cried off and on all day and night yesterday. I am so glad the kids did not seem nearly as upset, I don't think I could have gone through with it if they were as upset about letting her go as I was. Today I woke up feeling a little helped that Sakari's new human, Pat, has texted me at least 4 times a day the last couple of days LOL. She had a tough first night and next morning...but by the end of today she seems to be getting comfortable with her new life as a pampered only child :)

That means I have to move forward too. I need to look at the we can spend more time with Gangster. My cats can stop running for their lives when ever they see a dog. We can go back to taking G almost everywhere with was just too hard to take 4 kids and 2 large dogs very often, and we felt bad leaving one of them home alone, so that meant the dogs didn't get to go very many places. If we want to get away on a vacation it will be much easier finding someone to watch one dog vs. two. Gangster still seems a bit down, but he sure seems to enjoy the extra attention he is getting now, and I'm sure he doesn't miss getting henpecked daily.

The kids and I, and G, headed to the little nearby park for an hour or so.

Brrr even bundled up it was a cold one today.
Silly monkey :)

Gangster was enjoying his time at the park. So many smells...and things to pee on.
Handsome boy...not looking too shabby for a dog that will be 9 in 2 1/2 weeks.
This kid is too darn cute, little cheese factory.

Gangster thought snack time at the picnic table was for him too.

Leaves...lots and lots of leaves.

Day 20: I am thankful for our pets, including the ones no longer with us. They provide a true selfless love. They give endless love, laughter, protection, they can even help you to relax and decrease anxiety. They do all this wanting nothing but love and food in return. Amazing creatures. Gangster has been helping me feel a little better over letting Sakari go where is best for her. I'm glad we have him to lean on, and love on. I only wish they lived longer....and that they all ended up in the loving homes they deserve.
Xander flopped down in the pile and actually held still for a couple CUTE photos :)

So did I get so lucky and have 4 beautiful, inside and out, children?!?!

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