
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Cure for Hot Cocoa addiction....nope.

I don't drink coffee, never have, but I do LOVE hot cocoa. Why does it have to be so high in calories and fat?!? I tried a lower cal idea from was not as good as I hoped. Sadly my love for Ghirardelli hot cocoa will go on, and on.

You can try some hot vanilla milk if you want...maybe you will like it more than I did.

1 cup milk
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
1 tbsp sugar
a pinch of brown sugar

Man I really wanted to like it...bummer.

I really don't know who is enjoying all this togetherness more, Gangster or the kids. He has been so wonderful with them...I figured he would be, but a small part of me was worried Sakari would have rubbed off on him.
They are so sweet :)
Silly kid, no chewing on pillows.
The kids put a string on his collar today and he let them "walk" him all over the house. Such a sweet and patient boy.
Aww it's puppy love for sure :)
Hayden loves him too, she is a big fan....but not so much in her princess dress. Gangster was laying his head in Haddie's lap, she looks up at me and says "Mom I love Gangster, but can you wash a princess dress?" LOL.

We had big plans today. After a long drawn out process we signed the papers to finally sell our house today. It went through with the offer we selected a while back, just took forever to get done. So glad to have that done.

The kiddos came with us to the title company, thank goodness the seller's paper load is much much smaller than the buyers.

Also thank goodness that between the title company and our Agent the kids had toys, coloring books and crayons and snacks...they didn't bother us a bit.
My friend, and best real estate agent ever, Jeana...was so nice to help entertain the munchkins while Mommy and Daddy signed away the house LOL.

We all had to get warm gear on to go out is down right frigid. They are saying 10's to low teens over night for the next few days. I hope it snows least the cold will be worth it then LOL.
More bits for the dollhouse. Yes, those are popsicle sticks...with the ends clipped off, that I painted white. Yes, it was a pain LOL. If you have hardwoods you gotta have floor trim. I just hope after painting all those dang pieces it works like we hope it will.

Photo day 5: In the cupboard.

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