
Monday, December 23, 2013

Doll house done...and cookies for Santa.

Whew...I was wanting to have the doll house done like a week to the procrastinating husband, but we got her done tonight. I would like to add more detail, maybe some stenciling or wallpaper borders...but I think those are things the girls will love to help with so for now this is it. Not too shabby.
Here is a little before pic.
And here is the finished product. I'm pretty pleased :)
I really hope the girls love it!
Photo challenge...Day 23: Tradition.
After dinner tonight we all made some cookies for Santa...we have kinda made this a tradition the last couple of years.

A little forming candy canes out of dough lesson from Dad.

They all were little pro's at dough rolling.

Then our candy canes came out looking like Christmas stockings instead LOL. Gotta stop trying to make shaped stuff with store bought sugar cookie dough.

It is all good, they were still fun to decorate...and tasty to eat. Don't worry Santa, we left you a few :)

Perfect way to end a perfect day...with some snuggles. My big bad Pit him.

1 comment:

  1. nice job on the doll house. It looks great. I hope they get many hours of fun out of that. At least as many hours as it took you to fix up. ;)
