
Friday, December 13, 2013

Ho, Ho, Ho!

We had a long and exciting day today. Jason's sister came into town to celebrate her 30th!! My nephew Tyler agreed to watch the crew for us so we could spend a night out...woohoo! But first, the kiddos had an appointment to meet with Santa. We didn't do the fancy dresses and suits this year like we have years before...didn't do PJ's like last year either. We just went with what I could find in their closet this much easier than running around trying to buy new outfits. They still looked adorable...and were so excited to chat with Santa.
My grown up Miss Haddie. She rocked a sweater dress with a belt, skinny jeans and a pair of boots her Grandma got for her. She was like my little mini me...since that is a staple outfit for me, including what I had on at the time, she kept hugging me and telling everyone that we were dressed alike. Is she really only 5?

Jason had a few things he wanted to ask Santa for too I think.

Santa had a little reindeer trouble and was about 15 minutes late. Luckily Jamie...of Velour Photography, this is the same place we did the Princess tea party and the Superhero party, has lots of fun things to keep little kiddos occupied. Lots of fun props to play with.

Photo challenge...Day 13. Composition. I don't really know much about it, but this photo was the only one I took today that had more going on than just the main focus. Especially with a ticked off Bug in the back ground, LOL.

This is supposed to be a sax or something...hmmm LMAO! When we got home from seeing Santa and I saw this pic I had to show Jason. Jamie had said some of her other clients have been confused on just what this prop is supposed to be. Not 20 seconds after I showed Jason this picture, Lily says "Dad I'm hungry." Without missing a beat he says "I bet you are Panama Red." Meet the Parents is a fave around here :) Lily...we pass on grass in this house Hehehe.

Cutest little Elf :)

Aww so sweet.

The Big guy arrived...yay!

Jamie was nice enough to let me snap a few on my camera too. I was relieved to hear at least 2 of the BIG things on the kids list are things we got for them...whew :)

Everyone looked so cute in their pics, though I think Hayden and I need to have a little chat on her smile. She does this tight lipped smile and it makes her look like she has no lips sometimes LOL.

Bug flashing her cute smile.

Of course our little cheese factory had no trouble giving us great smiles. Too bad we never noticed that these jeans turn into high waters when he sits down LOL.

My babies...quite the group of lookers aren't they :)

Then they put on some silly props...they loved that.

It just doesn't get any cuter...I hate picking and choosing on photos.

Jamie...I love your photos, thanks so much!

After dinner it was time to start getting ready for our night out. As I was getting ready Hayden asked where we were going. We didn't tell them Auntie Stacie was in town...she didn't have enough time to see them before heading home, and since she will be back for Christmas, we just thought we would keep this a little secret. So I told her we just had some running around we needed to do. Then she told me that her Dad and I should go on a date. We should have some yummy food, dessert and drinks and then sit on a bench and talk. So sweet...and I was worried to tell her that we were kinda going on a date, I thought she would be sad that she wasn't going. She was all for us going out on a date. It was super cute...until she brought up "one day when I go on a date......" I didn't hear anything else after that, I think I fainted LOL.

My two fashionista's...they were helping me pick out which jacket I wanted to wear.  

So ready for a night out! 6 hours without kids...awesome!
I think someone needs a Red Bull LOL. Tyler said the triplets were pretty darn good. Jericho was fine until bed time. He wouldn't stay in bed, he wouldn't stay in his room...Tyler said he was up until almost 1am. Whoa. Bet he takes a nap tomorrow LOL. Poor Tyler, I hope he wasn't scared off from babysitting for us Hehehe.

Make a wish Stacie!

A little drinking, a lot of dancing...oh are my legs not used to this anymore LOL. Good times!
Stacie and David getting down :)

Such a fun night...Happy Birthday Stacie! Love you XOXOX

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