
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Our house is now mullet free.

We got some outside work done today, the lights all went up, the rosebushes got trimmed down to nubs...and the kiddos got some much needed energy burn time. Dang it is cold though...I think we will have some snow coming our way before too long! I hope so at least.

Of course Jason had lots of help with the lights today LOL.

Photo challenge, Day 3....Silver.
After lunch the girls and I hung out at home, doing puzzles and trying to learn how to play checkers. The boys went to get Jericho his very first haircut.

Thankfully Jason took some pics for me. I can't believe my baby is almost 3...and just now getting his first haircut. The mullet had to go LOL.
This place is always so fun :)

Jericho loved the race car...and didn't make a single peep during his haircut.
Xander had a lot of fun trying to play the video games.
Bye-bye baby mullet.
Oh my goodness.

He is bald again LOL. big boy :)
I don't know what happened, but the boy lost a little of his mind with his haircut. He comes home acting all big for his britches. I asked him to put his shoes away where they belong...he looks right at me and said "You do it."
This is the look I get after he put them away under the threat of me putting them in the trash. That is not a look of happiness Hehehe.
My handsome boy...he aged like a year with that haircut, ...sniff..sniff.
A couple of our neighbors got their lights up, we joined them today.
I told Jason this is the first year of competition. We will lose this year, because lights is really all we have for outdoor decorations. Next year we add some fun lawn stuff.
The kiddos thought their Daddy did a great job :)

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