
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Winter crafty fun.

It has been a minute or two since the kids and I made some crafty crap :) I felt like we needed some more winter wonderland decorations for Christmas and Jericho's birthday party. Jericho was not too interested, we lost him about 90 seconds in LOL.

The girls got busy on a couple cute Penguins.

Xander helped me with a big snowman.

Making their Penguins fluffy.

Today's photo challenge Day 19. 'Tis the season to. Make winter crafts with the kids! It is looking so winter wonderland up in it!

They turned out pretty cute right? :)

I got a good laugh today. Lily was talking to me about the cookies we will make for Santa this year...and she says "Well, my eyes will think Santa will love the cookies....but my tummy would rather eat them." This kid keeps me her!

Since I didn't post my photo challenge photo yesterday here it is. Day 18. Big. Star looks little in Jason's big shoe. 

I have a little news on the rattie front. We have decided to keep two of the boys, Remy and Star will be staying here with us. Hiccup and Bumblebee will be moving in with their sisters at my friends this weekend. We will miss them, but 4 is just too much for me to keep up with when the kids aren't that interested. We do enjoy the little guys though, and I don't want my kids to not take commitments seriously...especially when it comes to pets, so we will renew our commitment to Remy and Star. Jason of course got to say "why don't you ever listen to me" in his defense he doesn't get to say it often so I will give it to him this time. We originally agreed to 2 rats, but when I went to pick up the 2 the girl was so over run and asked me if I would take 2 more...they were so cute and tiny and I was thinking of helping them and her, so I took 4 instead of 2.  Hayden and Lily are more attached to their two than Xan and Jericho are to Remy and Star have always been my favorites, so those are the ones we will keep. Xander is very happy that Hiccup and Bumblebee will be with their sisters...though he has told me a couple times that it is sad to say goodbye :( 

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