
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Hawks Nest!

Today was the 2nd most important football game of the year ;)
My Seahawks fans were ready!

My hubby is a big Hawks fan. I actually really enjoy football and find myself loving the Seahawks too...they always seem to be the underdog. Though I have always been a Peyton Manning fan. I was rooting for him to win today...but I really wanted to see the Seahawks make it to the Super Bowl this year. Imagine my happy surprise that they both made it who to root for on the big day, hmmm.
Super Bowl party at my house...whoop whoop!!!

Everyone was in their football attire...except Lily. When we asked her we got..."I don't care for football, I like mermaids and fish" LOL. Hopefully we can get her team spirit soaring enough on Super Bowl Sunday for some Seahawk gear.
Haddie is a big football fan already...mostly because her Daddy loves it I think. Xan and Jericho seem to like it. Miss Bug is not much of a sports fan...poor thing is out numbered in this house. 

The game didn't start so good for the Hawks. My kids were outside playing...they came in right after the 49ers got their second touchdown. After that the Seahawks started showing up to the game...hmmm, me thinks my kids may be good luck LOL.

I also owe Hayden about 60 cents today. She came to Jason and I with some "news" earlier today. It seems she will now be charging us 10 cents per picture we take of her. I could go broke LOL.

Little Man wearing Xander's old is a touch too small, but it worked for today.

This is so not on the "diet" but it has been a couple weeks since we had a cheat meal, so...I don't mind if I do!!!

Way to go Seahawks...and Broncos!

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