
Monday, February 24, 2014

Shop till you drop.

Hayden, Lily and Jericho did a little shopping with me today after we dropped Xan off at speech class. You know you don't get out much when you can lose track of time in Rite Aide of all places, that is just sad LOL.

Funny Xander story to share...
 Everyone has been potty trained for quite a while, however we still have a few that sometimes cut it close...or too close. Today was a too close day for Xander. He came out of the bathroom as he was getting his pants put back on...because none of them understand that you should get yourself redressed in the bathroom, I couldn't help but notice his underwear were missing so I asked him. He said "I had a little potty accident, but it's OK Mom, my underwear saved my pants...that's your underwears job, to save your pants right Mom?" Jason and I had to turn away so he wouldn't see us laughing.

We tried out one of the appetizers on Skinny Taste today...I can't tell you the last time I had cheese sticks. YUM!

Skinny baked mozzarella sticks...pretty tasty for 87 calories and 5 grams of fat for 2. Which honestly still seems a touch high, makes me cringe to think how bad the not skinny ones are...yikes. Just a quick heads have to cut the cheese sticks in half and then put them in the freezer until frozen before you make this. I almost missed that part and would have had a mess on my hands.


12 sticks part-skim, reduced sodium mozzarella string cheese (Sargento)
1 large egg, beaten
2 tbsp flour
5 tbsp Italian seasoned breadcrumbs
5 tbsp panko crumbs
2 tsp parmesan cheese
1 tbsp dried parsley
olive oil cooking spray


Cut cheese in half to give you 24 pieces. Place cheese in the freezer until cheese is frozen.

In small bowl, whisk the egg.  Place the flour on another small dish.

In separate bowl, combine bread crumbs, panko, parmesan cheese and dried parsley.

Dip the frozen sticks in flour, shaking off excess, then into the egg, then coat with the crumbs. Repeat this process with the remaining cheese placing them on a tray with wax paper. Place cheese back into the freezer until ready to bake (this is a must or they will melt before the crumbs get golden).

When ready to bake preheat oven to 400° F. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and lightly spray with oil.

Place frozen cheese sticks on baking sheet. Spray the tops of the mozzarella sticks with a little more oil and bake in the bottom third of your oven until crisp, about 4 to 5 minutes.

Turn and bake an additional 4 - 5 minutes watching them closely so they don't melt. Makes 24 pieces. * There will be extra crumbs and flour after breading, they have been deducted them from the nutritional info.

We served these with our fave Skinny BLT avocado sammie. It was so good, Jason and I only got 4 pieces each, our four chow hounds ate the rest, we could have easily doubled this LOL.

The kiddos wanted to have another sleep over in the boys room tonight. We heard them up playing for a little while after bedtime, but didn't expect to find this during our before bed check.

Jericho seems to be the only smart one...he actually made it to his bed. Xander was on a pile of blankets on the floor.

The girls were passed out under the boys beds. Silly kids. Jason had a fun time getting everyone carried back to their was pretty funny watching them be pulled one by one out from under the bed.

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