
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Lets get planting!

Why is the weather man never wrong about rain in the forecast? It has been so crappy, I knew spring was teasing We did get about an hour break in the showers today, just enough time to plant some bulbs. The kids and I were supposed to be helping Jason, but I'm afraid we weren't all that much help LOL.

Time to do some clearing.

Good job Dad! That's how you do it, huh?

Jericho managed to find a couple puddles...size really doesn't matter, as long as you can splash and make water fly.

Jason asked the kids to bring over the yard debris bin...this was quite the funny scene to watch. Xan and Haddie, with a little help from Jericho, did the heavy work...while Lily directed them which way to go.

She even picked up two sticks and did the whole bringing a plane in to land waving with them LOL.

Gangster was upset that he was stuck inside. He found his way onto the boys bottom bunk so he could watch us out the window. It is cold and wet out here dude, you would hate it.
Since no one was being of any help to Dad the kiddos pulled out their scooters and rode them around for a bit. Are yu ready for this Little Man?

Jericho got his own baby scooter...this kid, barely 3 years old and such a little stud muffin :)

Lined up to race...on your mark, get set, goooo!

All right, Dad got the bed cleared, time to get planting. Whoa dude!

Please stand back when you give a 3 year old a pick hatchet...yikes.

Jericho loved it, of course.

Dad had some close calls LOL.

Bugs turn to dig a bit.

Haddie wanted to do everything all by herself, and her own way...of course.

Trying to start a fire she said...she got pretty upset when Jericho came over and kept blowing in out.

Handing out the bulbs...hope we have good luck with these Gladiolus', it was a mixed bag...can't wait to see what colors we get.

So sweet :)

The kiddos had so much fun...they weren't ready to stop.

Grow little babies....grow!

Next up...Jason had to create a, hopefully, safe zone for some topsy turvy action. My little thieves munchkins can't be trusted with fruit...ripe or not, they don't care. This is our first time trying these things...I'm excited! We have 25 strawberry plants in there, we also plan to have tomatoes and cucumbers added in...but we have to start them and then transfer them over when they are big enough.

Alright...may you grow and give us lots of delicious strawberries, tomatoes and cucumbers! If the kids can't manage to get to them first that is.

Little funny from today. Most know we are a family of gun enthusiasts. We like to go target shooting, we have conceal carry permits, etc. Hayden took notice of Jason's gun today as he was getting out of his wet and dirty shirt (FYI all the kids have seen the guns before, they know not to ever touch them and to get an adult...but we also keep them out of reach at all times,) the following convo ensued. Jason: Are you going to learn to shoot when you get older?

Hayden: No Dad, I'm not really into guns, I'm into Hello Kitty.
Jason: Come on, you're going to let Daddy teach you how to shoot right?
Hayden: Nope.
Jason: How about Momma, Uncle Scott, Uncle Rick, Auntie Amber?
Hayden: No Dad, when I grow up my husband will do that. LMAO!!!
Movie and a dessert tonight! It is so nice that the bossy, remote hogging, mini wannabe dictators that live in my house are starting to give non-animated movies a chance. There are so many I haven been itching to show them :) Everyone seemed to enjoy watching Willy go through the chocolate factory, though Hayden did almost cry when Wonka went off on Charlie near the end...and she got freaked out during the spinning boat ride too LOL.
Homemade Strawberry shortcake, biscuit style...these rival Burgerville's!

You need:
1 qt fresh strawberries sliced
1 3/4 cups Bisquick Heart smart mix
2 TBsp sugar
1/2 cup skim milk
2 TBsp melted butter
Slow churned vanilla ice cream, 1/2 cup each
fat free reddi-wip
Chocolate syrup (opt)

Heat oven to 425°F.
In medium bowl, stir Bisquick mix, 2 tablespoons sugar, the milk and butter until soft dough forms.
On ungreased cookie sheet, drop dough by 6 spoonfuls.
Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until golden brown.
Cool 15 minutes. Using knife, split warm shortcakes.
Fill and top with strawberries, ice cream and whipped topping.
Makes 6 servings, will run you about 267 calories and 8 grams of fat each.

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