
Monday, March 24, 2014

Our own pre-school class.

It has been GORGEOUS the last three actually hit 70, but of course the rest of the week is calling for rain, rain and yup, more rain.

We decided to get together with some friends and enjoy the outdoors while we can. Our first plan was to hit the Zoo, I totally spaced that it is spring break here right now. When I got to the Zoo it was literally a ZOO, the parking lot was full and they were running shuttles. No thanks! So, we had 2 moms, 2 sets of 5 1/2 year old triplets, a 3 year old, a 13 year old and 8 month old twins....where do you go?!
Why Pittock Mansion of course.

None of us had been there before, it was a pretty spot. The mansion was cool, even though we didn't do the indoor tour, just too many little kids... ain't nobody got time for that LOL. We had a great time spending a couple hours running around the grounds, having a little picnic lunch, and checking out the views though.

Of course the wee acrophobic (though I don't see being afraid of heights as irrational in the least LOL) in me got a bit panicky when my kids wanted to check out said views...even with the tiny in ill repair fence meant to save them from a fall.

My kiddos with our trio friends...we haven't gotten to see these kids in almost 3 years, though you wouldn't know a day had passed. We couldn't believe how they took to each other, it was so sweet.

Learning something new.

More "great" views...I hate heights, I really do.

Trying to get a picture of my monkeys, but no one was really in the mood to cooperate.

The trio loved the baby twins.

My friend, her trio and her oldest was so great spending time with you guys, must do it again soon!

He tried so hard to get in this tree.


Lunch time! As we were walking around the mansion today we had a lot of questions...everything from "Are these ALL yours?" to "Is this a pre-school class?" LOL Never get tired of strangers commenting on your family...not.

Not a bad picnic spot, eh?!

Done...and back to playing tag.

So fun...what a beautiful day!

Getting the babies parents a couple photos...Lily Bug of course standing guard.

The 4 girls were just too cute. Xander loved that there was a boy his age in the mix for once too.

My wuss kids finally got in the tree...Hayden was not pleased.

OK so maybe it kinda sorta looks like a pre-school class Hahaha.

These were too funny...and totally not directed by us. I love when great shots just happen.

After we got home we still hadn't had enough of the beautiful we played out back for a couple more hours. Now this is what I am talking about...almost 8 hours of outside time!

My kids wanted a turn to take some pictures LOL.
Trampoline fun...even for Mom.

Closing with a kid funny from the other day... I love all the laughter we have at dinner time. Tonight we ordered in pizza...pretty rare for us since we love making our own so much, so we also ordered the cookie pizza dessert thing. After everyone was done eating we told the kids about the dessert. Hayden promptly acted like she fainted (from sheer is not like we never have dessert around here so I am not sure what triggered this response) Lily gets in her face and said "Hayden are you dead? If you're dead can I have your cookie pizza?" Hayden sprung to life and we all busted out laughing.

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