
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Professional photos are just so much better!

Yay I got the photos back from our mini session out puddle jumping...and then some. I took pictures while we were there too, I got some good, but of course the pro got better :) I love these...can't wait to work with Jaime at Velour again!

My good little hand holders :)

I love this one...but am totally kicking myself for not realizing our rainbow is backwards, boo.

She got some great ones of Jericho in the hat with the red umbrella too.

So handsome!

I could eat him up!

The triplets look even older to me in her pictures than they did in mine LOL.

Love these three.

Sister it!

This is one of my faves!

This one turned out fabulous too!

LOL Jason the umbrella wrangler.

Ahh a quiet moment together.

Another of my favorites!!! Love it!

And yet another fave. Jason and I don't get many couple pictures these days, love this one :) Love you Babe!!

The photog had a little mishap with her photos remaining full resolution after she did a little editing on them....and deleted the originals, ugh. So unfortunately I am not sure I will be able to get a big canvas done of a couple of these like I wanted to. I am pretty bummed...but she is going to do what she can to get me the canvases I want...we'll see, fingers crossed. That and I couldn't edit myself 5 years younger like I usually LOL. I still love these....even if I couldn't fix myself up. Vanity is lame, but it is what it is....and until the hubby agrees to botox, photoshop is all I got Hehehe.

Oh yeah...the boys white shirts totally got ruined LOL.

But fun was had by all!

Until next time....

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