
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

Well I got my wish, the kids weren't up until after 7am...7:30 to be exact. The screams were loud, especially after the first kid to wake up saw the baskets and ran yelling to wake up the others LOL. Hey, at least they didn't just sit down and start going to town by themselves. I made breakfast first, then I let them go hunt the eggs, then they get to go through their baskets.

Bunny pancakes! These were super easy, I got the idea on Pinterest...but saw lots of people doing them on FB too. I am not sure how everyone else did theirs but mine is only 2 pieces, it helped to make the batter a little runnier than I usually make it. The head and ears are one pancake, the butt and feet are another pancake. The tail is a slice of banana with 4 mini marshmallows on top, the back feet are banana slices and pink jelly beans. The kids LOVED them

Yummy cuteness!

The hunt was fun. Jason had to work this morning, so he hid the plastic eggs last night and then hid the ones we dyed this morning before he left. He did a great took a good half hour to find all 60+ eggs.

The bigs were very good with letting their baby brother find some...they even shared a few that they found with him.

Lily found the one in the tree...and got it down the only way she could.

Good thing it was one of the plastic ones.

Because it hit the ground LOL.

You're getting hotter Haddie...just look right next to you :)

We were having serious trouble finding the last dyed egg. While Xander, Haddie and I were looking and looking, these two yahoo's said they needed a "snack break". Thanks for the help you two.

Once we located the last egg hiding, it was basket time!

Not sure what exactly you're doing Xan, but you look cool in your new shades doing it ;)

The kids were a HUGE fan of the bunny that delivered to Auntie Tia's house...they love everything, thanks!

The new shades were a highlight of the day.

The "Momma bunnies" was another...the girls LOVED them, I couldn't even talk Lily into sharing hers with me LOL.

The new baseball stuff was a hit too...though the glove is not so easy to get on, and requires some patience.

The boys had fun, but wanted to wait for their Dad to play anymore awww.

They each wanted to eat a hard boiled egg...Hayden was the only one really enjoyed it though. Tip if you buy the dye pack that comes with not use it, what a mess.

This is more like it...chocolate bunny time!

Jericho's bunny looks like it was mauled when we put them away for the day LOL.

When Jason got home he went out to play a little ball with the kiddos.

Lily said the pitcher needs to be on top of a big brown pile of dirt and wind up their arm. Yup, just like that Bug, nice job!

Back to Dad, here's the windup and the pitch.

This is when Xander showed up with homemade grass pom poms, and the girls told his delight, that he could be the cheerleader. Dad loved it LOL.

Haddie cracked me up a couple times was when she asked her Dad "Why is Mom so uptight?" This is after I told her "one peep is enough, they are gross anyways."

The other time was when she asked "Mom...what's crop dusting?" And no, she wasn't talking agriculture, I know this because she was sitting next to her Dad, who it seems never outgrew fart humor LOL.

Speaking of funny...Lily, that is a great look for you LOL

One last treat of the day...
Happy Easter to kind to each other.

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