
Saturday, April 12, 2014

It's my job to help people.

Another Costco trip, I see this becoming a habit...and not exactly a good one LOL.

My girls both have super loose front teeth...eating is a dicey and often painful proposition.

Did you guys know Santa often shops at Costco, while on vacation in his tropical shirt? Also while on vacation he twists his mustache curved barbell style...Santa is such a rebel when not on the clock. How do we know that this was the real Santa and not some tropical shirt wearing mustache twisting impostor you may be wondering...well we know because he carries around a shirt pocket full of mini candy canes that he hands to kids who ask him if his is Santa on vacation, then he gives a hearty Santa laugh. Too funny, you can kind of see him in the back ground of this pic.

Lily made her own list...bunnies and strawberries, among a couple other things. She would even clear her throat and point to her list if we were about to pass an item she had written down.

When we got home "Katie Lady" was out doing some yard work...yes, I think that is a swimsuit...hey, in Oregon an almost 70 degree day in April is swimsuit weather ;) The kiddos of course rushed right over to get in the way help.

She let everyone help her for a little bit, they even got to set out some of her lawn decorations.

The girls had enough of manual labor, they clocked out and went to play.

Xander on the other hand wouldn't leave poor Steve alone. Xander says "I'm helping him Mom, it's my job to help people" I laughed and said well I, and Steve, know that now, thanks dude. Hahahaha!

Hayden and Lily took a short one day break from Frozen, to watch an older fave...Chipwrecked. They are reenacting the bungee jumping.

Haddie and Gangster photo op :)

So cute.

Now they are busy reenacting the bucket ride, and Eleanor getting hurt. I love the stuff they come up with...way to use your imagination girls.

Miss Bug.

Haddie was wearing her Dads sunglasses and giving me future looks a wee bit scary. Sassy thing!

Lily loves her new baby bunny....even though she wanted a bigger one, "But the baby bunny needs her Momma". This was her last reward for being all done with thumb sucking...she doesn't even need her thumb busters anymore...those things worked perfectly! Wish I knew it was going to be this easy a year ago.

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