
Monday, April 7, 2014

Lots of yard work going on in the culdesac.

It has been beautiful out...makes people start itching to work on their yards. Even us, and that is pretty impressive since usually our yards are really neglected beyond getting mowed LOL. Our friend across the street chopped down that huge tree that blocked over half of his house, it looks so much better!

We got a small start on stage 1 of getting rid of the berm that is a big part of our front yard. When Jason started removing plastic and dirt he ran into a shit ton of ants, that is an official term LMAO! The kids thought they were cool...I was scared that they would make a B line for my house.

Gangster got to join us out front today. He would rather not be tethered to the tree but it was better than being stuck inside while everyone else is outside having fun. He is still such a handsome boy...almost 9 1/2, and other than losing muscle (which went when his boy bits went) he looks pretty awesome!

Reminds me of his show dog days. He has such beautiful legs and feet...nice and straight. He was one that you didn't have to hand stack, he just look so great all on his own. My beautiful Grand Champion...some days I miss showing, it was a lot of fun, especially with him since he almost always won LOL.

The kids were a big always. Me too, I was a very big help ;)

We have to dig up some baby trees that we will drive out to the woods and replant, we have to move a couple rose bushes and a Hydrangea off the berm. These little guys are probably going to end up getting tossed, I will probably save some back to put in a dessert scene type planter thing though.

Xander earned a new nick name today, worm wrangler. As Jason was pulling up plastic and dirt ants were not the only bugs a plenty, worms were everywhere too.

Xan started just picking them up and showing them to everyone.

A worm and a huge smile...LOVE.

He started rehoming them over in the flower bed that we created last week. Since this berm will be dozed in a few weeks he felt this spot was no longer safe for his little friends.

His excitement got the attention of the other kids...soon we had 4 worm wranglers hard at work.

Whoa Lily Bug, that is a big sucker you got there.

I am so happy my girls like holding worms, is it silly that this feels like a parenting success?! LOL.

Ending the day with a ladybug friend. I am loving these teaser days...but I really can't wait for summer to get here full time!

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