
Monday, May 12, 2014

Beautiful day for a zoo trip.

I have been feeling a little blah lately, so I haven't been keeping up so well on the blog...there is a lot of catching up to do. The weather has been really nice has really been a pretty darn good spring, for Oregon at least. We packed up a picnic lunch and headed for the Zoo today.

It was a great, low crowd day...many of the animals were out and about, and everyone enjoyed the day. Even my allergic to sunshine, and physical exertion, Lily Bug who whined about not wanting to go up until we got through the gates LOL.

My full nest :) Speaking of baby birds, I got an update from the lady that took the baby birds. Unfortunately the smallest baby died the second night out of the nest, they think it was actually injured in the original attack as it had a large hematoma...I didn't tell the kiddos, just letting the whole thing slip from their minds. The other two babies are doing great, getting big and expected to make it!

We have been coming to this zoo for many years now, I love getting pics of the kiddos doing stuff they did when they were much smaller.

This came out pretty cool, especially in black and white. Must try again next zoo trip, it would be extra cool to get all 4 munchkins in the pic.

Checking out some baby turtles.

The Otters are always fun. On this trip we learned that the Otters are the most expensive animals to up keep at the zoo. Apparently their shell fish diet is costly...I would have never guessed LOL.

Hello there!

There was a little boa out to touch today. All the kids were super excited to touch it :)

This picture reminds me of Mayberry for some reason LOL :)

It is so cool that the kids are into looking at, and being read, the info on the different animals now. my babies are growing up.

I can still whoop a Sun bears ass ;)

Lunch time.

Elephant ear dessert. You know you are in Oregon, when there are recycling centers everywhere! I dig it!

Jericho was digging all that cinnamon and sugar. Get it...dude Hahahaha!

The kidds love these lion statues, I think they love them more than the real deal...they look forward to playing on these every visit.

The always fun Safari jeep.

Jericho, I said no phone calls during family time!


Look Mom, I'm a flamingo.

I asked her to smile...she says, "Mom, flamingo's don't smile."

After some flamingo jokes they do LOL.

Haddie's turn to be a flamingo.

OK so I admit...I took way too many pictures of Jericho and his new friend, but they were being so silly I couldn't help it.

Fabulous day...and now I need a nap LOL.
More catch up days coming soon.

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