
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Everything is cute when it's a baby.

It was lovely today, we had nothing planned so we loaded up everyone and spent 4 1/2 hours at the park! It was a great day for it, and we had so much fun!

My big kids, they are getting good at the monkey bars...we barely support them now, pretty soon they will be doing it all on their own. Check out Jericho too...little beast.

We brought a little picnic lunch, maximize your energy output at the park by making sure your little engines are fed LOL.

Gangster was glad to get out too, he did wonderful with all the kids.

Who is that sexy man...oh yeah, my hubby XOXOX.
Enough mom...I need to go play now.

So much running and climbing today, the kiddos also got to make some new friends, which is an activity very high on the girls lists. We got constant reports on who had made a new friend...and which kids didn't want to be their friends, which upset them a bit. It is a shame not all kids are as friendly and outgoing, but I explained that maybe the other kid would change their mind later, and if not it is OK to not be friends with some people, just stick to the friends you do have.

My crew...wub them!

The boys made a good friend today, Channing just turned 5, and he was happy to share his Mario stuffed animals with Xan and Jericho. They played the whole time together, Jericho was in and out a little, but Xander and Channing were like inseparable. It was so nice to see Xander make a good friend.

The girls also made a really good friend, Gwen who is the same age as the trio. They spent the whole day together too. I am kicking myself for not exchanging numbers or something with the parents. Guess I need to work on that LOL.

Summer is almost here...and we have lots of new life to enjoy! We have baby cucumbers growing!! Aren't they cute :)

Roses are starting to bloom! So pretty!

We also have new strawberries starting to grow...the kids can't wait for these to get ripe.

The boys helped their Daddy make dinner.

I love corn on the cob...nothing says summer like BBQ chicken and corn on the cob!

The boys did a great job, and the corn came out fabulous! I love guys that cook :)

Maybe the cutest babies of the day...never thought I would say bugs! The praying mantis egg case started hatching today, just as I was about to give up on it. Only about 5 had hatched so far, and I was is supposed to hold 150-200, they may be less cute at those numbers LOL.

I'm not sure why baby insects are less creepy and icky...but they are. I held one of the tiny tiny bugs and then the kiddos were interested in holding them too. I am very doubtful I would be able to hold an adult, but the babies were kinda cute.
Nice job being gentle Xan...they were baby bugs on the move, so it was difficult getting pics.

Lily held one too.

Haddie was all about holding the little critters.

I was able to get one or two pretty good pictures of them.

Jericho didn't hold one, I am not so sure he is fully reformed from his bug squishing ways LOL, but he did get to see them.
We said goodbye to our tiny friends and set them loose...along with the egg case containing the rest, hopefully hatching any moment, on our neighbors mini apple tree.
Live long and prosper little bugs....and eat lots of pests.

1 comment:

  1. I love the baby mantis. We have found four egg cases while cleaning up the gardens and we have put them back in safe places to hatch. We never see the babies but we get lots of luck seeing them when they are adults.
