
Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Lily show.

I would love to find some sort of drama club for this child, she would know they off sports out the wazoo but I am not sure I have ever seen drama clubs for kids. If you have seen The Chipmunks Squeakquel you may recognize this little bit Lily is doing. She came out of her room in this get up, then started singing "All The Single Ladies" it was pure awesomeness LOL!!!

This child is a one girl show...she could keep anyone entertained just being her silly self. There are days I am holding on by a hair, and she does something to make me laugh and it just fills up my reserves again. We love you Bug, you will always be a bright shinning star to us!

Out of character...cute as a bug :)

In non show biz news, Miss Haddie lost another tooth. I'm glad they are getting this all out of the way now...we will get to skip the silly toothless school picture stage Hahaha.

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