
Friday, July 11, 2014

Trying to save time...set up the night before.

Thankfully it is supposed to be beautiful all night and 97 tomorrow...perfect day for a Pirate pool party! We spent the evening over at Grandma's trying to get a jump start on the party set up. I like it this way MUCH better, must try to do day before set up when we can, I can already tell I will be a lot less stressed tomorrow.
Jason's Grandpa and Betty were there when we got there, and unfortunately Betty had just taken a fall...they headed off the the ER, I hope she didn't break anything. Xander was a big help during the crisis...and so very concerned.
The bounce house rental company called me as I was on the way to Grandma's and asked if they could deliver it today at 4pm instead of tomorrow at 11...they also let me know that they would be at least an hour late picking it up tomorrow. Darn it LOL.
It was perfect, kept the kiddos busy for quite a while so we could set stuff up in peace.
Huff and puff. It was hot today...I really hope it doesn't quite hit the 97 tomorrow.
One of the things the kids were looking forward to the most LOL...The Poop Deck sign to the bathroom.
A little lesson from Grandma on how to pick sweet snap peas...these are not usually a fave of mine, but hers are fabulous.
Most of the tables and chairs got set up.
More flags are being added...but these worked out great.
I didn't really want them swimming today, didn't bring their suits on purpose...but they ended up in the pool anyway. It was a good thing too, all of a sudden Xander is trusting his puddle jumper and trying to swim....and even Hayden left the stairs and walked around the shallow end. My BABIES can touch in the shallow end now...what?!
Miss Haddie was quite proud of herself! Xan was too...I am guessing swimming lessons may not have to wait until 8 after all :)
Lily Bug is of course still our little fish.
Jericho was his cute, pesticle self.
Bug working on her backstroke.
More decorations...I am so glad we got all this crap set up today.
Nice photo bomb babe.
Tonight we tackle a watermelon ship fruit bowl and mini meatballs...hopefully we are in bed before 2am.

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