
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Home is where your heart is.

I survived the night, extra layers helped a lot...but it was still damn cold. I am more than a little glad that I will be tucked in my own bed tonight. We had to be cleared out by noon so we got to packing up this is a lot of work for just two nights.

The kiddos kept themselves busy, while the adults did all the work. They lined up and everyone took turns doing some trick or move with this rock. They actually did this for a good half hour LOL.

All the kids had great moves!

Miss Hayden, nice one. She happened to lose another tooth today...I think this was number 7. She is excited for the Tooth fairy to drop off a dollar.

Our group stopped at Calamity Jane's for lunch on our way home, we love this place. We got to the restaurant just in time, they had this big round table for the 9 kiddos, and the table right behind it for the rest of us. Not long after we got settled a dozen people showed up for lunch. We got a ton of looks, but the kids were actually pretty darn good.

We decorated another dollar for the far I think they have about 4 or 5 of our dollars put up somewhere. I have yet to find any of them during a visit though.

We had a great time, hopefully next year we can go just a bit earlier so it will be warmer.

The kiddos were actually ready to be home, when I asked Hayden if it was nice to be home and if she was excited to sleep in her own comfy bed...she said "Home is where your heart is" awww, it sure is darling.

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