
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Homework, we meet at last.

OJ, who are you are a lover not a fighter. Quit plotting on him, he would probably come at you like a spider monkey and kick your butt.
We received a little gift from the vet today. They made this paw print clay plate for us, very sweet gesture. Can't believe it has been 5 days already. We miss you old man.

At our school the plan is for the Kindy kids to get homework on Fridays, it is then due Wednesday. Leave it to us to wait until the last minute to get it finished. Xan and Haddie were excited to do it (Hayden actually wanted to do it on Friday LOL), they gave it their all and did a great job. I think the teacher is starting off easy on us, I know it just gets harder from here on out.

 Speaking of Xan...a little funny from today. Xander disappeared for a little while, so I called out to just check on him. A minute later he walks back into the living room telling me "I blew it up Mom" then added (like I don't live with his Dad) "That means I went poop" Nice babe, real are rubbing off on the children. LOL.

Haddie loves homework.

Lily was in a mood again today, heaven help us when she hits 12...if she is already this moody at 6, we are in for it. She didn't want to do her homework, and certainly didn't give it her all...hopefully this Friday she will try harder.

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